Member-only story
No Pain, No Chiropractic?
Why are we using pain, something that happens last, as the reason to take action and get your horses the chiropractic care that they need? Using pain as an indicator to get your horses adjusted, is very common, primarily because people feel like chiropractic care is for neck and back pain. But do you know what chiropractic is really good at? PREVENTING neck, back , shoulder, SI Joint pain, etc., from becoming issues to begin with. Chiropractic care for you and your animals is best used for prevention and performance maximization.
Yesterday your horse seemed fine. Today he has back pain so bad that he drops away from the lightest touch to his back. Yesterday he was turning tight around those barrels. Today he is blowing off number 1. He’s bucking, throwing his head up, he’s short, he’s stiff, he’s tight, he’s angry, he’s pinning his ears, and on and on! So what happened? When horses get sore, the vast majority of the time, it’s because they have been compensating, and now those compensations hurt! The area that is sore, stiff, tight, short, etc., is not typically the area where the problem is located. Many of you have seen this through the use of hock injections. What is an indicator that the hocks hurt? Low back pain… When the hocks are sore, horses will overuse their low backs in an attempt to take the pressure off the sore hocks. In those cases, is it the low back that is the problem, or the…